Domain sorumluluklarında, kullanıcı sözleşmesindeki ilgili maddelerle birlikte, ICANN ve kayıt operatörünün belirlemiş olduğu Domain Sorumluluk kuralları geçerlidir. Icann tarafında belirlenmiş Domain sahibine ait hak ve sorumlulukları(RAA) belirte maddeler ile ilgili bilgi ve linklere aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Background: One of the new provisions added to the 2009 RAA requires ICANN to develop in consultation with registrars a webpage that identifies available registrant rights and responsibilities. This published document is the result of initial input from a joint working group of the GNSO Council and the At-Large Advisory Committee and subsequent consultations with the registrars; and provides a "plain language" summary of registrant rights and responsibilities that currently exist under the 2009 RAA.
This document provides some "plain language" summarization of terms related to Registrant Rights and Responsibilities as set out in the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), for posting on Registrar websites. While some of the terms included here do not specifically refer to registrants, those terms are included because of the potential import to understanding registrar/registrant relations. This document also summarizes registrant rights and responsibilities that arise within ICANN Consensus Policies and specifications, as those policies and specifications are incorporated into the RAA.'
The summarization of terms within this document do not override or replace the terms set forth in the RAA or within those specifications or policy.
In order to register a domain name, a Registered Name Holder (also known as a Registrant) has to use the services of an ICANN-accredited Registrar. In order to become an ICANN-accredited Registrar, the Registrar must enter into a contract with ICANN, referred to as the Registrar Accreditation Agreement or the RAA. The RAA sets out various rights and responsibilities for Registrants, and Registrants have additional rights and responsibilities that are set forth in separate ICANN policies and specifications that the Registrars agree to follow.
The RAA and the related policies are drafted in very specific, often legal terminology. In order to help Registrants better understand the rights and responsibilities that come along with the registration of a domain name, these rights and responsibilities are being summarized and presented within a single document. The summaries provided here do not override or replace the actual terms as written in the RAA or the related policies and specifications.
As the RAA is between ICANN and a Registrar, no one else – including a Registered Name Holder – may sue ICANN or the Registrar to claim a breach of the RAA.
Registrars may not make claims that they can provide registrants with superior access to any relevant TLD in comparison to other Registrars.
Some of the Registrar obligations are dependent upon Registered Name Holders fulfilling certain responsibilities, particularly as it relates to payment of registration fees, submission of required data points to the Registrars, and submission of accurate data and timely updates to that required data. Registrars also have specific items on which they must provide notice to Registered Name Holders, including notifications of the end of a registration term, use of Registered Name Holder’s Personal Data, and notices regarding escrowing of data for domain names registered through privacy or proxy registration services, as well as the posting of fees for the recovery of registered names.
Registrar Submission of Data to Registry Operators
For each relevant TLD, Registrars must submit certain data points relating to each Registered Name within a TLD:
Registered Name Holders are normally required to provide the Registrar with information relating to nameservers ( – 3), and there may be additional data required under Section that the Registered Name Holder must provide. If the Registered Name Holder provides an update on these data points, the Registrar has five (5) days to provide the update to the Registry Operator.
Whois Data
Registrars are required to have an interactive web page and port 43 Whois service that is available to the public to query free of charge. The RAA specifies certain data points that must be provided in response to a query: