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My Server Has Been Hacked What Do I Do?

My Server Has Been Hacked What Do I Do?

My Server Has Been Hacked What Do I Do?

My Server Has Been Hacked What Do I Do? The question is unfortunately one of the most frequently asked questions today.

In summary; We call a cyber attack event, which starts with the encryption of important data by hackers from abroad and making the servers or personal computers of small, medium and large companies unusable due to security vulnerabilities, and then asking for money over high amounts of bitcoin accounts.

Today, unfortunately, we witness dozens of servers being hacked almost every day.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to say that it is impossible to reach this encrypted data after the hacking event.

Unfortunately, the only solution to access this data is to reach an agreement with the hacker.

Is there a solution to not being hacked?

Of course there is. You can secure your systems with a good IT work

To summarize:

- Use strong passwords instead of default passwords.
- Change your passwords regularly.
- Update your system and firmware.
- Always have the firewall active.
- Be sure to close the ports you do not use.
- Delete the user accounts that you do not use.
- Make sure to back up your system periodically.
- Only authorize the IP address that needs to be connected.

As Turknethost; We are proud to offer you all these security procedures as a single solution.

Please contact us for our secure and redundant cloud systems.







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