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Scam with the promise of top ranking in internet search engine

StartseiteUnsere NeuigkeitenScam with the promise of top ranking in intern...

5 of the 9 suspects caught on the allegation that they defrauded 5,321 tradesmen of 1 million 271 thousand liras across the country with the promise of ranking high in the internet search engine, were arrested.

Afyonkarahisar Provincial Police Department Anti-Cyber ​​Crime Branch teams followed up the workplace operating under the name of 'call center' in the city as part of the 'qualified fraud' investigation.

The teams identified the suspects who demanded money from the shopkeepers, whom they called from the call center, with the promise of ranking high in the internet search engine.

Determining that a total of 1 million 271 thousand liras from 5 thousand 321 tradesmen across the country were defrauded, the teams carried out simultaneous operations to 10 addresses in the city on Tuesday.
9 suspects caught, their money confiscated

During the raids on the suspects' homes and workplaces, Ş.A., T.A., G.C., G.A., E.G., M.O., G.Y., K.A. and A.Y. caught and taken into custody.

The money of the suspects in the accounts of 3 banks and 3 payment institutions was also confiscated.

suspects are sent to the court house after their processings at the police station.

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Source: Ensonhaber.com
