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StartseiteWissensdatenbankWhat is Time Stamp?

What is Time Stamp?

What is Time Stamp?

Electronic Time Stamp, electronic log, document contract etc. It is used to prove that any data such as, existed before a certain time. For example, if you sign a log file with a timestamp, you can prove that that log file existed in its original form at the time it was signed, and that it did not undergo any subsequent changes.
This process consists of extracting a hash (briefly the digital summary) of the file to be signed and keeping the information that this hash was received on x date. In this way, if you change the file at a later date, it will be understood that the file has been changed since the signed hash value will not match the file itself.

The log records obtained in our products in accordance with the law numbered 5651 are signed with "OpenSSL TS" and stored in the device.

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