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StartseiteWissensdatenbankmkstemp failed: /etc/sw/keys/keys/keyXXXXXXXX:...

mkstemp failed: /etc/sw/keys/keys/keyXXXXXXXX: Permission denied (Error code: 2) - Fehlerauflösung

Sometimes you get an Authorization error when you log in to the plesk panel built on Centos.

So I got this error: mkstemp failed: /etc/sw/keys/keys/keyXXXXXXXX: Permission denied (Error code: 2)

The solution to this is as follows.

Access your server via SSH.

Then enter the following commands one by one.

  1. Fix permissions with this command:

    /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G swkey-data psaadm && chown -R root:swkey-data /etc/sw/keys/ && chmod -R 660 /etc/sw/keys/* && chmod -R 644 /etc/sw/keys/info && find /etc/sw/keys -type d -exec chmod 2770 {} \; && chmod 4510 /etc/sw/keys/restart/* && chown -R psaadm:swkey-data /etc/sw/keys/registry.xml /etc/sw/keys/keys/*

  2. Restart the Plesk services:

    service sw-engine restart && service sw-cp-server restart

  3. Retrieve the Plesk license:

    plesk bin license --retrieve

Log in to Plesk and click Install Key to install your Plesk license.

This much.


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