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Türk Lirası $ US Dollar Euro

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Türk Lirası $ US Dollar Euro

Turkey Location (Dedicated Servers)

StartseiteServer SolutionsTurkey Location (Dedicated Servers)

Turkey Location (Dedicated Servers)

Turkey's location, fully equipped, full performance of dedicated servers.

Turkey Location (Dedicated Servers) Turkey Location (VDS / VPS)
Dedicated Server -2



CPU: 2 x CPU, 2.29 GHz (32 CPUs)
Festplatte: 8 x 1 TB SSD-Festplatte (Crucial MX500 1 TB SSD-Festplatte (Raid5))
RAM: 24 x 8 GB RAM (196 GB)
50 Mbit/s / unbegrenzter Datenverkehr
ESX-Virtualisierung oder wählbares Betriebssystem
1 IP-Adresse (mehrere IP-Adressen optional)
Standort Türkiye
Dedicated Server -3



CPU: 2 x Xeon E5-2690 v2 bei 3,00 GHz (32 Kerne)
Festplatte: 4 TB SAS-Festplatte (15 KB) Raid5
RAM: 256 GB
50 Mbit/s / unbegrenzter Datenverkehr
ESX-Virtualisierung oder wählbares Betriebssystem
1 IP-Adresse (mehrere IP-Adressen optional)
Standort Türkiye

Free Transfer of Your Sites

From cPanel to cPanel we have free web sites transfer for all server and hosting orders.

You do not have to be an expert!

You do not need to be an expert for server administration and security. Thanks to our experienced and expert team, your servers are in the right hands.

Full Performance and Full Hardware

All our servers are kept up to date and presented to you with modern hardware and software.

Hassle-free and Secure!

In our servers, all known optimization and security measures are being implemented and necessary precautions are taken to avoid any adverse events.
